

The Isle of Maui Pipe Band is a non-profit 501(c)3 corperation. We perform for free at a wide variety of community events throughout the year. However there are certain costs associated with equipping and maintaining a pipe band. We rely entirely on donations to purchase new equipment; including uniforms, reeds, drums heads, and other much-needed supplies. Donations also go towards sending our band to piping competitions in the future. So if you would like to support our band, we would greatly appreciate it. All donations are tax-deducable.

There are three ways to donate:

1) Paypal

2) Monetary: Checks, cash, or money orders can be sent to:

Isle of Maui Pipe Band

P.O. Box 831

Makawao, HI 96768

3) Gifts-in-kind:

Maybe you’ve got an old set of pipes, or a drum sitting on a shelf somewhere and it’s just taking up space? Maybe some old Celtic equipment: a sporran or a sgian dubh just collecting dust? If you have any gear you would like to donate, we would gladly accept it. We can even give you a form you can fill out for tax reasons.